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I keep seeing people say you can’t stop progress (social, technical, etc.) but has this really been tested? There seems to be a lot of political upheaval at least being threatened on the near future, and depending on the forces that come into power I imagine they may be willing to do a lot to protect that power.

Tucker Carlson at one point said if FSD was going to take away trucking jobs we should stop that with regulation.

There are amistics - the voluntary non-use of technology once it's available - which all cultures engage in to greater or lesser degrees. All technology has a price and sometimes it's not worth it - see leaded gasoline for an extreme example.

But in the general sense, I think it's tautologically correct to say better models always lead to better predictions, which always give an edge in competitions on an individual or societal level. So long term I do believe learning trumps ignorance, not in all cases but on average.

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