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Let us know how we can improve! Feel free to start a discussion (https://github.com/TimefoldAI/timefold-solver/discussions) or submit an issue (https://github.com/TimefoldAI/timefold-solver-python/issues).

We aim to treat Python as a first-class citizen (while keeping it maintainable). For instance, many of the Java methods are mapped to properties on the Python classes with more Pythonic names (see `ScoreExplanation` for an example).

I suspect what gives the Java smell is probably the `SolverFactory`/`SolverConfig`, which is a lot of boilerplate code. A lot of the code can be generated, although we would need to design an API for that.

The fluent (method chaining) API might also be giving the Java smell; I don't see many fluent API being used in Python. In particular, needing to either end lines with `\` or surround the statement with brackets make long fluent chains annoying to use. This is harder to change, since there is no Pythonic alternative that I know of for method chaining.

Langchain did something overloading the | or operator in their LCEL DSL to form LLM pipelines. It feels like abusing python but it's familiar enough as a Unix syntax


      | Filter(lambda shift: shift.required_skill not in shift.employee.skills)
      | Penalize(HardSoftScore.ONE_HARD)
      | AsConstraint("Missing required skill")
Feel more Pythonic than

      .filter(lambda shift: shift.required_skill not in shift.employee.skills)
      .as_constraint("Missing required skill")


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