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> I had an occasion a long time ago where I needed to request an Uber for a ride similar to what you’re describing. At that time, apparently the driver didn’t find out the route until they’d committed to the ride.

A similar (though not a break down in tears situation) - My 300 Mile Lyft Ride From Chicago to Bradford - https://whatever.scalzi.com/2019/07/23/my-300-mile-lyft-ride... ( https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20508238 - 186 comments)

The relevant section:

> I considered about it for a minute, and then thought, why the hell not, and scheduled the ride. The worst case scenario in this situation is that no one would take the fare, and I would be no worse off than I already was. After a few seconds, I was matched with a car, and I went out to meet the driver.

> I had a suspicion that the app might not tell the driver exactly where I was going, so when the driver — Victor — pulled up, I double-checked with him.

> “I want to be absolutely clear what you’re getting into,” I told him. “I’m asking you to drive me to Ohio.”

> “The state?” he asked.

> “Yes.”

> He thought about it for a second, consulted his own Lyft app (which hadn’t, in fact, told him the destination, just that it was more than 30 minutes away), and then looked back to me, and sort of shrugged. “I like long trips. This could be fun.” Then he popped the trunk for my luggage.

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