Given F# compiler outputs legal IL that is expected to execute in a particular way, and CoreCLR doesn't fail on importing it, and then executing it, it has probably more to do with either Coyote or other tooling that interacts with this setup.
I don't understand why there is less tolerance for having to make accommodations or take extra steps when working with F# than, let's say, when using Kotlin or Scala. Both follow a similar pattern where they can use pretty much every Java library by virtue of targeting JVM but can't use a huge amount of Java-only tooling that does meta-programming or instrumentation beyond what is provided by JVM bytecode specification, and yet it's not seen as such a huge ordeal from my surface impressions.
Does that issue mention F#? I may be blind but I see no evidence that it does.
In general the F# way is to write completely different stuff, right, either hiding away the underlying C# or completely replacing it. Witness the existence of the SAFE stack, Giraffe to hide the egregious ASP.NET, the totally different approaches with statically resolved type parameters in F# vs enormous hierarchies of interface types in C#, Myriad AST generation vs Roslyn stamping out strings, etc. I have no opinion on the languages hosted on the JVM, but there is a really nontrivial impedence mismatch between idiomatic C# and F#!