The short XKCD password is based on a dictionary word, making it vulnerable to intelligent brute force (oxymoron of the day).
I imagine the calculation goes something like this:
1/50000 Likelihood of a particular uncommon word
1/8 Substitute up to three letters for numbers
1/2 Initial capital or initial lowercase
1/32 Add a punctuation character at the end
1/10 Add a digit at the end
1/2 Possibly swap punctuation and digit at the end
1/512000000 Resulting probability
-28.93157 log2(1/512000000) -- number of bits of entropy
So, if e.g. XKCD assumed only 25000 uncommon words to choose from, that would give ~28 bits of entropy.
Thanks for the thorough answer! I originally missed the part about using a real word as the base.
For my passwords, I use 8 character random strings so hopefully I am a little safer. Although, as I'm learning from all of these password leak debacles, you are only as secure as the systems using those passwords.
I imagine the calculation goes something like this:
So, if e.g. XKCD assumed only 25000 uncommon words to choose from, that would give ~28 bits of entropy.