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I've banned people before because they couldn't stop themselves from continuously uploading those useless ds files

Seems like you have control issues.

Nah, those people have issues controlling their machines. It's fine if you upload useless spam a few times, but at some point you need to quit it because you're creating unnecessary work for others.

Well I was trying to tell you nicely, but you’ll figure it out before long.

Banning someone because they commit a file you don’t like is definitely a sign of a controlling person.

Repeatedly. Besides, if you repeatedly pay such little care how can anything you do be trusted?

You’re right, people are born perfect so this is felony behavior. We should limit their rights as a result.

Thanks for giving me a new interview question.

Stop being ridiculous. If you can't learn from your mistakes, even after it has been explained to you several times, you're the problem.

> limit their rights

Now you're just being weird. No one has an inherent "right" to contribute to a project.

Yea you missed the point. The point being you’re overreacting to a nonissue. But regardless it’s easy enough to filter your types out of my own projects and teams so I don’t care anymore.

lol, ok bro. glad to not have to work with you as well since you're really channeling that "can't learn from my mistakes and will keep burdering others with them! Wait, why don't you like me?" energy

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