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You get a salary for doing the expected work, not extraordinary work.

Exactly. Do the expected work well, but don't sacrifice yourself so that other people can use, abuse and eventually desert you.

Having the interests of the bottom line of the business in mind does not equate to sacrificing yourself.

Do what's expected in the interests of the business, not in pursuit of some "great software" ideal.

> Having the interests of the bottom line of the business in mind does not equate to sacrificing yourself.

Only in theory. In practice, the incompetent leadership leads to those naturally being identical, as in "we have to deliver project 17 for this year, please do your best!!!" and ad infinitum.

> Do what's expected in the interests of the business, not in pursuit of some "great software" ideal.

Who mentioned this? Only you. A projection on your part, it seems.

The original poster of the thread mentioned it.

>Unless you have a stake in the company, it is NOT your job to make sure the company is the most profitable it can be. Your job is to create great software. What's great software? The kind you'd be willing to put on your resume without feeling bad.

Thought we were talking about the sub thread but okay, I'll give you that.

You did omit the first part of my comment however.

What is this "extraordinary work" we are talking about here exactly?

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