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Seeing you‘re a CTO, I‘m a bit concerned for your staff (if any) if your first reflex is blaming the developer for not trusting their boss.

The person is adversarial, that is clear in their comment. There's literal adversarial quotes like "only do X if good for you, otherwise do the opposite". On the other hand you went straight to googling a random commenters job and attacked that.

Every one of your sentences is an assertion presented as fact. That could also be considered adversarial. GP has replied in a constructive manner in the meantime btw.

And yeah, no googling involved. I often look in HN profiles to find more context to why people are writing what they write. I don’t stalk them, tbh I find it creepy when people from HN find me on X and DM me.

nah fam he is right. And he didnt google shit, its literally in the profile.

I don't see any blame assigned in the previous comment.

no it was more passive aggressive - suggesting there was blame but not actually coming out and assigning it.

Not my intent to assign blame, it just sounds like a toxic workplace. I've been there!

The better places I've worked were more focused on compromise, experimentation and taking shared responsibility for risk.

Thanks for elaborating, this helps understand where you are coming from.

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