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On the other hand, there is no second try, to make a first impression. And the first impression lasts a while. So at least get some feedback before "just shipping". Otherwise reactions might be "doesn't work" - because what was obviously a start button for you making it, was not so obvious for someone just stumbling over it.

It doesn’t need to be shipped to the public. He shared videos with people, and those same people can be the first users of the MVP.

The point of an MVP is to elicit feedback, know you’re on the right track to build something useful, and iterate.

"It doesn’t need to be shipped to the public"

Ok, I took it by the usual meaning of ship it to the market. Not having people test it.

I think also, it’s not just “people”, but “people that you hypothesise have a problem that you’re aiming to solve”, and perhaps even “… and have money that they can and want to spend on solving it”

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