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My dad used AI to generate artwork with pictures hung up across the house.

He's intersted in meditation and mindfulness. He's not a native English speaker, so he's using AI to help him write content. He's then using AI text to voice to turn his scripts into YouTube videos. The videos have AI generated artwork too.

My dad is a retired welder in his late 60s. He's as "regular people" as it gets.

I'm a high school teacher and GPT has completely changed teaching. We're using it to help with report writing, lesson planning, resource creation, even for ourselves to get up to speed on new topics quickly.

I'm working on a tool for teachers that's only possible with GPT.

It's by far the single, most transformative technology I've ever encountered.

And how much of an influence have you had on him to encourage or assist with this behaviour? What about the average person that doesn't know anybody (at least closely) working in tech.

Fair point.

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