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> Can it give effective advice on management?

My friends at McKinsey say that while it can’t fine-tune reports and presentations with quite enough nuance, it does a good job sifting through lots of shit to pick out important parts they should pay more attention to, highlighting data/talking points that contradict a working hypothesis, assisting in writing emails, and other time-consuming or very nit-picky tasks.

That said, no one I know has fed it real customer data, that would be a career-ending event. But self-hosted models like Gemma2 open up the possibility for using LLMs against real customer info.

Hard to tell if that says more about the value of LLMs or the lack of value of McKinsey...

    > the lack of value of McKinsey
Leaving McKinsey's specific brand value aside, people always miss the value of "hiring (business) consultants". You basically get insider knowledge about how competitors businesses and systems work. So if you ask for advice about how to build a healthcare app for smartphones, you hire McKinsey (or whomever) to tell you "about the market". But really, they are just telling you about what they saw at other competitors. For some business decisions, it is very valuable.

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