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I use ChatGPT copilot etc to reduce my cognitive load and get a lot of things done quicker so I also have more time to fuck around. You're out of your goddamn mind if you think I'm going to increase my output for the mere chance that maybe I'll get an above inflation raise in a year. "We gave our devs a magic 10% productivity boost machine, but their output hasn't increased? I guess the machine doesn't work..." It's amusing how out of touch you are.

There is an ethical question in here that I don’t have an answer for. As an employee, I find a way to do my job more efficiently. Do I hand those efficiencies to my employer so I can get a pat on the head, or do I keep them to myself to make my own life less stressful? If I give them to the boss, do they even have the ability to increase my pay? Using the extra time to slack off rather than enriching the employer might be the best choice.

Edit: and now I see chillfox made the same point.

Keep it to yourself. Your reward is just going to be more work.

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