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>Which is how I learned that it's much better to ask ChatGPT to use Python evaluation mode and Pandoc and make you a PPTX, than trying to do anything with "Office 365 Copilot" in PowerPoint...

Can you elaborate on what this saved over just making the ppt the old fashioned way?

"I have this set of notes attached below; would you kindly group them by X and tabulate, and then use Python with Pandoc to make me a PowerPoint with that table in it, plus an extra slide with commentary from the notes?"

Attach notes, paste, press Enter, wait half a minute, get back a PPTX you can build on, or just restyle[0].

Sure, it's faster to build the presentation yourself than to make ChatGPT make the whole thing for you. But the more time-consuming and boring parts, like making tables and diagrams and summaries from external data or notes, is something ChatGPT can do in a fraction of time, and can output directly into PPTX via Pandoc.

(There's a lot of fun things you can do with official ChatGPT and Python integration. The other day I made it design, write and train a multi-layer perceptron for playing tic-tac-toe, because why waste my own GPU-seconds :).)


[0] - In contrast, if you make the same request in PowerPoint's O365 Copilot, it'll barf. Last time I tried, it argued it has no capability to edit the document; the time before that, it made a new slide with text saying literally "data from the previous message".

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