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> And regular Janes and Joes are not using ChatGPT. Revenues would be 10-100x if that were the case.

3/4 of the people I know are actively using it are on free tier. And based on all the HN conversations in the last year, plenty of HNers commenting here are also using free tier. I'd never go back to GPT-3.5, but apparently most people find it useful enough to the point they're reluctant to pay that $20/month.

As for the rest, OpenAI is apparently the fastest-growing service of all time ever, so that says something.

>>apparently most people find it useful enough to the point they're reluctant to pay that $20/month.

Or they find it useless enough that they're unwilling to pay for the upgrade.

I'm one of the free tier people.

A while back I used 3.5 to make a chat web page so I could get the better models as PAYG rather than subscription… and then OpenAI made it mostly pointless because they gave sufficient 4o access to the free tier to meet my needs.

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