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I tried GPT-2 and thought it was interesting but not very useful yet.

I started using GPT-3 via the playground UI for things like writing regular expressions. That's when this stuff began to get useful.

I've been using GPT-4 on an almost daily basis since it came out.

The hype around gpt2 was ridiculous. It made me firmly put openai into 'grifters, idiots and probably both' territory.

Turns out they were just grifters as the hilarious mess around Sam Altmans coup/counter coup/coup showed us.

I don't know what your operating definition of "grifter" is but for me, a grifter is not a company that delivers a product which gains a large adoption and mindshare (ChatGPT) and essentially sets the world on fire. (not an opinion on Altman specifically but OpenAI at large)

My definition is someone outright lying that gpt-2 was agi that should be regulated just so they could raise more money for the next round of training.

Who said gpt2 was agi?

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