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> Why do we need a special function return instruction? Functionally, BR LR would do the same job as RET. Using RET tells the processor that this is a function return.

I'm not sure this is a good design. Those two opcodes perform the same logic function but have different branch prediction hints.

Meanwhile, there are other cases where an existing instruction is reinterpreted with new semantics:

* On x86, `XCHG eax, eax` is `NOP`.

* On x86, `XOR reg, reg` is `MOV reg, 0` and breaks dependencies for the purposes of register renaming.

* On x86, various examples of macro-op fusion and micro-op fusion.

* On various RISC architectures, `ADD r1, r0, 1234` is `MOV r1, 1234`.

* On some RISC architectures, conditionally branching if r0 == 0 is the only way to express an unconditional branch.

I see no reason why `BR LR` can't be the standard function return instruction and involve the branch predictor.

In AArch64, `BR LR` and `RET` do not perform the same logic when FEAT_BTI (Branch Target Identification) is present.

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