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Don't miss the link to the full res cross-section:


Thanks, this is great. The people alone make this like Where's Waldo: find the mahjong parlor, the elementary school, the dude taking a dump, the couple having sex, etc.

That link doesn't work at the present time.

And the main article doesn't show any interesting parts of the image on mobile; just the left side with a lot of white space and some words that I cannot read.

Can't scroll to the right. Can't zoom out. Can't long-press and open the image separately.

tl;dr, can't see shit.

> That link doesn't work at the present time.


  $ A='https://web.archive.org/web/20240701123410'
  $ B='https://staging.cohostcdn.org/attachment'
  $ C='11357255-b6b9-4a57-98eb-823776a4a828'
  $ D='KowloonWalledCityGrandPanorama.jpg'
  $ wget "$A/$B/$C/$D"
(or https://web.archive.org/web/20240701123410/https://staging.c...)

Seems ok from here in iPhone Safari.

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