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I found the JSON array syntax a little unintuitive:

    $ jb dependencies:[,]=Bash,Grep
One possible alternative would be to accept JSON literal snippets, like this:

    $ jb dependencies='["Bash", "Grep"]'
This should support all forms of nested JSON objects. You could have a rule that if an argument does NOT parse as a valid JSON value it is treated as a raw string, so this would work:

    $ jb foo=bar bar='"this is a well formed string"'
    {"foo": "bar", "bar": "this is a well formed string"}
You could even then nest jb calls like this:

    $ jb foo=$(jb bar=baz)
    {"foo": {"bar": "baz}}

Thanks for giving it a try and your feedback. I agree, the array splitting is a bit fiddly. It is actually possible to pass JSON directly, you use the :json type on the argument:

    $ jb dependencies:json='["Bash","Grep"]'

    $ jb foo=bar bar:json='"this is a well formed string"'
    {"foo":"bar","bar":"this is a well formed string"}
And then you can indeed use command substitution to nest calls:

    $ jb foo:json=$(jb bar=baz)
It works even better to use process substitution, this way the shell gives jb a file path to a file to read, and so you don't need to quote the $() to avoid whitespace breaking things:

    $ jb foo:json@<(jb msg=$'no need\nto quote this!')        
    {"foo":{"msg":"no need\nto quote this!"}}
Another option is to use jb-array to generate arrays. (jb-array is best for tuple-like arrays with varying types):

    $ jb dependencies:json@<(jb-array Bash Grep)
And if you use it from bash as a function, you can put values into a bash array and reference it:

    $ source json.bash
    $ dependencies=(Bash Grep)
    $ json @dependencies:[]   

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