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Being stupid and selfish should not be celebrated at all but warned against!

He did not understand bears, just saw them how he wanted them to be and actually did them a severe disservice!

Going outside of you comfort zone is valuable though, but only if done with knowledge of your own limits and consequences!

e.g. I live in the Alps and we have much too many stupid tourists' emergencies in the mountains due to ignorance than should be. They know nothing about the mountains, the tour, how weather is up there, what equipment and clothing to bring and wear and completely disregard advice of locals. Then Mountain Rescue risk their lives and health to get them down. Most of them volunteers no less!

> and actually did them a severe disservice!

I can't imagine what disservice was done. A guy hung around bears for a while, and one ate him and his girlfriend.

To the bears literally nothing happened of note.

Had you read the article, you would have known that two bears were put down, as a direct result of all this.

Two of the bears that ate him and his girlfriend got killed.

The bears were shot and killed.

> To the bears literally nothing happened of note.

They ate an exotic meal.

Reputation damage

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