I've never worked on a team that uses Poetry, but in my current company another team uses it, and I haven't found it really as slick as I would have imagined, primarily because you need to create a venv and install poetry into that before you even get started, which by that point why not just pip install the rest anyway? For standalone applications it just seems like an unnecessary extra step. It doesn't even mandate a build lifecycle like Maven so what are you getting?
But that's not what soured me on Poetry. What soured me was recently I needed to create a release of one of their libraries with a Git commit in the local version identifier and... Poetry doesn't do that. There's an issue that was open on GitHub for years before they finally agreed to implement it, and since February the change is now merged to master, but despite several point releases since then, that change has not landed in any of them. When will we be able to get a local version part? Who knows!
This experience has really made me skeptical of Poetry being the One True Packaging Tool that fixes everything. As usual, it just fixes the things the devs want fixed and everything else is still janky or half implemented. From my perspective, if you're gonna deal with jank anyway, might as well just deal with the standard jank that comes as part of Python itself.
Actually poetry comes with an optional self-installer, though I prefer to manage it with pipx. And it's recommended not to install it into your project env, as there's the potential for conflicting dependency versions.
But that's not what soured me on Poetry. What soured me was recently I needed to create a release of one of their libraries with a Git commit in the local version identifier and... Poetry doesn't do that. There's an issue that was open on GitHub for years before they finally agreed to implement it, and since February the change is now merged to master, but despite several point releases since then, that change has not landed in any of them. When will we be able to get a local version part? Who knows!
This experience has really made me skeptical of Poetry being the One True Packaging Tool that fixes everything. As usual, it just fixes the things the devs want fixed and everything else is still janky or half implemented. From my perspective, if you're gonna deal with jank anyway, might as well just deal with the standard jank that comes as part of Python itself.