I wonder what could be some good test sequences for monospaced programming fonts, like:
,.:;!? 1234567890 {}[]()@#$%^&*-=_+\/<> Common issues: lLiI1oO0
(maybe throw in some ligature related stuff for those who enjoy those in their fonts)
I made a super basic site like that for some fonts that I enjoy, but never really put that many in there: https://fonts.kronis.dev/
Surprisingly Ubuntu Mono is also pretty good in most respects, maybe I should add it, currently it's a split for either Liberation Mono/Cousine or PT Mono for my programming font of choice, here's a nice font chooser, tournament style: https://www.codingfont.com/ or just a look at bunch of fonts https://www.programmingfonts.org/
Not to detract from the article itself, I just stare a lot at fonts while doing programming.
When I developed my own coding font (Luculent), the compact sample that I ultimately came up with was:
// The five boxing wizards jump
#include <stdio.h> // <= quickly.
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
float il1[]={1-2/3.4,5+6==7/8};
int OxFaced=0xBAD||"[{(CQUINE";
unsigned O0,l1,Z2,S5,G6,B8__XY;
return ~7&8^9?0:l1|!"j->k+=*w";
It has a pangram, lots of confusable pairs of characters adjacent to each other, opening brackets next to each other and near a pipe character, quotes and commas next to each other, lining operators (i.e., ->, += and <=), and every normal punctuation character on a US keyboard. It also happens to be a valid, though useless, C or C++ program.
I made a super basic site like that for some fonts that I enjoy, but never really put that many in there: https://fonts.kronis.dev/
Surprisingly Ubuntu Mono is also pretty good in most respects, maybe I should add it, currently it's a split for either Liberation Mono/Cousine or PT Mono for my programming font of choice, here's a nice font chooser, tournament style: https://www.codingfont.com/ or just a look at bunch of fonts https://www.programmingfonts.org/
Not to detract from the article itself, I just stare a lot at fonts while doing programming.