With a number of open-core projects pulling the rug from under us recently: Terraform, Akka, etc. I'm with the parent - there's no way I'm building on a shaky foundation if you're just going to fuck me over.
And yes, I understand this is their choice, they need to make money, etc. But the real issue here is they're presenting their stuff as suitable to build your company on, then once you're reliant on them they start charging (big) money.
Just start out charging money and make it good enough to justify that, enough with the bait and switch.
Apple has an upfront revenue model, and I'm happy to pay for that (when I do). So does Datadog, so does Amazon. But don't pretend to live in the OSS world then want to also be a SaaS when you've achieved escape velocity. They're "succeeding" by destroying the relationship with the people that gave them that success.
There's an obvious answer if they want an open source container experience that works great (at least the container part, not the desktop part): run it on Linux. To slam a Mac only product that by most accounts runs well, and quite a bit better than its competitors, just because it's not Open Source is disgusting.
I wish I had as few problems in my life as you because I would never consider saying "I'm not using this because it's not open source" to be "slamming" or "disgusting".
The quote was to be exact: "Into the trash it goes". A cheap dismissal for arguably nonsensical reasons given that it's closed software specifically for a closed OS.
And let me add that this kind of attitude towards hard to make, well written desktop software makes me think people like you and the OP deserve every single one of the online-only Electron monstrosities on your desktop.