The Rancher Desktop VM with k8s enabled has about 10% continuous cpu usage at idle on my 2019 MBP. I really wish there was something I could do to reduce that.
That is almost certainly the etcd binaries on the vm chatting to itself. I would expect k3s should have lower CPU usage as they (by default) jettison etcd for an embedded db
Having said that, aside from the general WTF of something burning CPU, does in impact you in some way? Battery drain, sluggish apps, memory hog (I'd bet on that one), other?
The deck of the MBP is definitely warmer with RD idling in the background. Does it practically impact anything I'm working on? No. Does it tickle the OCD related neurons in my brain? Yes and I hate that.
I just turn it on and off as needed instead of leaving it running all the time.