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Uh not really.

The unique part here is that in order to even have the chance to buy a bag you need to develop a relationship with a sales rep and buy a bunch of other stuff. The more other stuff you buy the higher on whatever list they'll put you and when they get a bag in stock they'll give the chance to buy to whoever they have a positive relationship with and who has spent a lot of money.

Sounds a lot like getting a mechanic in the USSR.

7 years from now. But will the mechanic come in the morning or in the afternoon?

Hopefully the afternoon since the plumber is coming that morning

i heard this is how it's working for a Rolex now, too, unless you go to secondary market and pay a big premium.

This is always how Rolex has worked. Supply is limited, and prices are fixed, so they have to pick and choose who gets the rarer and more desirable watches, and who better to offer them to than the people who are your best customers (or have enough clout to be free advertising?).

Ferrari works the same way.

Definitely not always how Rolex worked. Just 10-15 years ago you could walk in and purchase a stainless steel sport Rolex watch for a good discount brand new at authorized distributors.

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