Languages have more characteristics than what can be reasonably included in a headline.
"Fast to run, but slow to compile and needs very new compiler, and may have a big-ish executable, but OTOH it won't cause much problems with installation of dependencies - vite compatible build tool"
"Written in Rust" is often a shorthand for "having performance as a goal" when the tool is new and the target audience is mostly technical and made of early adopters, or people willing to try or contribute to new things.
Perhaps you're not the target audience at the current time.
I am not a huge fan either, but it's at least meaningful in the sense that well written and fast Javascript code is still at least a whole distinctive level slower than well written and fast native code. Other reasons to care about include, native code sometimes solves a class of deployment issues (single binary vs npm package). So while I don't care about Rust per se, the signal about it being compiled/native code is still alluring to me so I welcome this in the headline.
None, my point is that it's a silly thing to say to someone who's not interested in the compilation time. Why ask someone to reconsider if they are in the right forum because of such a opinion? That's not very welcoming.
I disagree, it's not silly. I love it when these things are specified, they help give me context and sometimes are a decider whether I start reading at all.
HN is too broad a forum nowadays and apparently you can't make everyone feel welcome. Which is fine but I'll not accept "silly" or "could not care less" labels. They are subjective and attempting to present them as facts is not productive.
fn main() {
println!("I really dislike trend of “written in X” in a headline. What difference does it make if a build tool is written in X? If X entails “fast, takes small amount of resources and reliable” - then just say so.");