Please look up the history of maxing out credit cards, eating disorders, attention disorders, and misogyny. You seem to be under the mistaken impression that anything before your birth was the Garden of Eden and that the parade of horribles existed only because of "big tech". What is next? Blaming big tech for making teenagers horny and defiant?
> You seem to be under the mistaken impression that anything before your birth was the Garden of Eden and that the parade of horribles existed only because of "big tech"
Please point out where I said that. Because what I wrote was:
> I mean if the last 20 years is to be taken as evidence, it seems big tech is more than happy to shotgun unproven and unstudied technology straight into the brains of our most vulnerable populations and just see what the fuck happens. Results so far include a lot of benign nothing but also a whole lot of eating disorders, maxed out parents credit cards, attention issues, rampant misogyny among young boys, etc. Which, granted, the readiness to fuck with populations at scale and do immeasurable harm doesn't really make tech unique as an industry, just more of the same really.
Which not only is not romanticizing the past, in fact I directly point out that making tons of people's lives worse for profit was a thing in industry long before tech came along, but also do not directly implicate tech as creating sexism, exploiting people financially, or fucking up young women's brains any differently, simply doing it more. Like most things with tech, it wasn't revolutionary new social harms, it was just social harms delivered algorithmically, to the most vulnerable, and highly personalized to what they are acutely vulnerable to in specific.
That is not a new thing, by any means, it's simply better targeted and more profitable, which is great innovation providing you lack a conscience and see people as only a resource to be exploited for your own profit, which a lot of the tech sector seems to.