For context: ArkScript is a small scripting language in C++, made to be easy to embed in apps, quite minimalistic
When I started working on a website for ArkScript, I drew inspiration from other proglang websites to see what I could show, what appeared to work or not work to grab people attention. What I got out of this was a good documentation going straight to the point (I think I'm on a good track, though this can always be improved) and a playground so visitors can try the language without installing/compiling anything.
Here we are now, with a very minimalistic playground, that was forked from another project with way more functionalities (, tailored for ArkScript and the needs I have (using it as a playground/small online IDE on the go and to embed it in the project documentation so that you can try code as you read).
I'm not an expert in webdev nor in VueJS so the code isn't pretty and could be enhanced, but it works and I've done all I can on the security side (hardened docker image ; execution timeout ; limits on CPU, RAM and PID usage ; removed access to shell through `sys:exec` from the language (the functionality isn't even compiled) ; filtering user input to remove "dangerous" characters before sending them to the tty (so that you can't send ^C and get a shell)).
The playground code:
The language code: