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I wouldn't even say "contemporary"; people have been saying this (and I believe it's been true) for decades.

But overall that statement is making a lot of assumptions.

It's assuming money is the main priority for everyone. Sometimes the priority is to have a ton of autonomy and influence on product direction, not have to deal with 8 layers of management, and have an actual, large, often-measurable impact on the company's success.

It's assuming that the alternative is that anyone can work at a FAANG, and be in the higher tiers of salary they offer for their quite-above-average employees (hired today, not 10 or 20 years ago). Most competent, talented people won't pass an interview at a FAANG. Of those that do, many of them will not immediately be making $500k/yr. These points are especially true for 22 year olds, naive or otherwise.

I was going to make a comment about working your ass off at a startup vs. working 9-5 at a more established company, but I know plenty of people at FAANGs who work 50- or 60-hour weeks, every week, and often put in time on weekends. Granted, I would agree that pretty much everyone at a small/early startup is going to be working long hours, while a large number of people at a FAANG are going to enjoy a nice, relaxing life outside of work, so they're not at all equivalent in that regard.

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