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In SV-style tech companies it's common for the first round of funding to be considered a "seed" round; it usually comes from angel investors and/or friends and family, though it's not unheard of for larger institutions to get involved at this point.

By the time they're ready for a series A (VCs/larger institutional investors, though sometimes angel investors from the seed round participate as well) they'll very often have something to show for it, and may even have paying customers. The A round can come during the first year of operation, or later.

Given this, it's not uncommon for founders to be able to have some liquidity during their series A. Granted, it's usually not going to be a ton of money, but it can be a nice bonus that allows the founders to pay off debt they might have accrued during the first stages of the company, or perhaps move out of their 1BR apartment and put a down payment on a larger house, etc.

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