I find hand soldering QFN is faster, easier and more reliable than (T)QFP once you got enough practice. If you need to rework the QFN part the key is to FLOOD the footprint with good solder flux from a syringe. Do not use one of those flux pens, those do not dispense enough flux.
> If you need to rework the QFN part the key is to FLOOD the footprint with good solder flux from a syringe.
I've never tried this but this makes a lot of sense in my mind's eye. I'll try this next time I have such an issue.
TQFP seems nice because I can sloppily shove tons of solder down, and then just wick up all the excess solder with solder wick. In fact, I purposefully over-solder all the TQFP joints for this practice. (Too much solder during reflow, and then just a quick cleanup step with a soldering iron later).