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Do I care? No

Does my manager? No, but what if they leave and I have a new manager right before performance reviews? I’d hope they don’t care about it, but I assume they’ll see it. May as well make it look nice.

Does the random recruiter looking at your resume care?

At some point in your career you might be able to afford to not care about this. Most people don’t have that luxury.

I wouldn't want to work for a company where the manager cares about green pixels tbh. But maybe I have that luxury you are talking about, I don't know

Me neither. But companies (and people) aren’t perfect. Your situation can change any day.

Pretty sure the first thing that random recruiter is going to do is go "wow, this guy worked at Vercel. Can we even afford him?"

I get that the market is pretty tight at the moment but strong CV positions have always trumped proverbial internet points.

If people invested as much time improving their abilities as they did gaming the system, they might find the problem solves itself.

Right - you fail at leetcode interviews despite your high abilities, and leave programming behind in anger to become a gardener.

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