This is a typical Linus Akesson project. Highly eccentric, potentially useless for practical applications, and extremely intelligent. I certainly approve.
My bad - Åkesson, not Akesson! I have one in my iTunes that sounds like regular piano music at first, then these chiptune sounds sneak in and strangely enough it all sounds harmonic and rather pleasant to listen to.
I see your point, but something producing a stream of neutrons sounds a bit like a self-sustaining nuclear reaction which might be tricky to manage as a device node :)
"So there it is. We've been able to construct gates and flip flops using nothing but UNIX pipes and our small MOSFET tool. We may now proceed to design any digital circuits we want: Processors, memories, entire computers... The world is ours to conquer!
This reminds me of a problem we used to debate in college; on a perfectly efficient machine, would `cat /dev/random > /dev/null` violate the second law of thermodynamics?
"If there is a NAND, people will build computers. I've seen that effect with Minecraft. But using unix pipes is just awesome, too :D" (first comment from post)
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that you need NAND gates and a clock? Identifying a minimal set of primitive components necessary to implement a self-timed computer would be a more interesting problem.
This is truly a great book and I can't recommend it enough. I've been working through the projects for the past couple weeks.
As the author states, it can be hard for CS students to see the forest for the trees among all the computing topics. I know that while I was learning these topics individually I never took the time to step back and really connect them.
With TECS you get to build each layer and define a an interface between them from logic gates to virtual machines, to compilers, to operating systems, etc. In the end you have a fully functioning computer that you have built from scratch. By removing all the "magic" from the system I feel like I have a much deeper understanding of these topics than I did before.