It uses AI for some things you can't really use free APIs for:
- Turn a colloquial name for a neighborhood into the exact latitude and longitude (I'm sure there's some API that can kind of do this but I don't know a free one that is as accurate as GPT)
- Adding to the previous point, if you say "Hogwarts" or "Tatooine" it will dutifully give you the weather of those too thanks to AI [1]
- Most importantly, write a Dall-E compatible prompt to generate an image with the actual weather conditions (and sun/moon etc)
From your first point, I'd expect you to be using a service that provides the weather for a given latitude and longitude.
From your second point, I'd have expected that to fail for Hogwarts or Tatooine.
Taken together, it sounds like you're blindly trusting the coordinates generated by AI, and will happily generate correct-looking results for any input. I'd call that hallucinating the weather. If I type in "Springfield" I'm gonna get results but I'm not gonna know if they're mine.
This may be an unreasonable level of concern for a fun app.
Yeah the second part I consider a bonus. Especially because I can use street names or slang for locations that no rigid API supports.
> Taken together, it sounds like you're blindly trusting the coordinates generated by AI
Actually I guess I do "blindly" trust the AI's coordinates more than a traditional location search service. Not sure how much you've tested it yourself, but I haven't gotten a single false latitude/longitude pair from GPT-4 unless the location was truly ambiguous, in which case it would be one of them. But as a European, I've definitely experienced rigid APIs happily giving me the weather for "Stockholm, NY" which apparently does exist, but wouldn't have been my first option...
But yeah, it is just a fun app, so I wouldn't want to make it more rigid either way!
I think that people underestimate how much non-AI technology fails in these cases. And the recovery path is to retry with more specificity in either case.
Of these, only the first one actually has any real value. And as you've mentioned there are likely less "expensive" ways to do so. By expensive, I mean this is essentially using a sledgehammer to crack a nut (especially the Dall-E call).
I don't understand how I would get a unique but accurate prompt that makes Dall-E produce an image that besides the weather/lighting conditions also has a randomly picked iconic scene for the location, people in the picture that have the correct clothing and doing reasonable activities, etc.
I'm trying to understand the criticism here, so please give the GPT a shot with a few different locations (you can also do neighborhoods or fictional locations) and describe how this is a nut that can be cracked with non-LLM solutions:
If your goal was wanting to use AI image generation to create such an image, this makes sense.
I think people are just questioning the assumption that such a feature is a desirable or necessary feature of a weather display.
I definitely was a bit surprised to open the repo to a weather display and see the need for an OpenAI key without an explanation of which features were AI-powered.
But of course this is a personal project, so "Generate a representative AI image using the location and weather information" is a perfectly valid, and cool, challenge to set yourself and achieve.
My favorite is the weather station consisting of a rock sitting in a dish suspended by a chain. If rock is wet, it is raining. If rock is moving it is windy. If you can't see rock, it is night. If rock casts a shadow, it is sunny
Thanks! I should have known that it would have a wiki entry. Although, I think some of the rules are a bit meh. "if rock is warm" you're not meant to need to touch it as it's meant for a quick glance kind of tool. also, as it mentions, the rock is a finely tuned instrument, so thank you for not touching.
I appreciate that it's just a nice picture that happens to update with the weather, but there's no reason to only use this for your current physical location. It accepts any place in the world (and also fictional places), so you could see a picture of what it looks like where your distant family member or friend is, among many other things.
There are dozens of different free weather APIs which could be called directly.