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> even having to pay rent to another

I'm curious how would you expect housing to stock to grow or even stay stable if nobody had to pay rent?

Would all housing be used owned by the state and assigned to individuals based on certain criteria (with huge amounts of inefficiency and corruption that such a system creates)?

It could grow either by people making their own houses on their own, or by them finding others who would help with this process, or by paying someone for the labor required for the house to get build.

I think that private property should not get nationalized.

Right, so basically you want the system we currently have?

No, I want for example to abolish private property of land and natural resources.

Fortunately, most citizens are not economically illiterate enough to support this ideology. Private ownership of land and natural resources is the foundation of 21st-Century economic prosperity.

No it's not. Private property created a world where 8 persons control as much wealth as the poorest half of humanity. This is not common prosperity, this is exploitation.

So you’d rather the poor be even poorer as long as the rich wouldn’t control as much wealth or didn’t exist at all?

No, I think no one should get exploited and oppressed and everyone should have an opportunity to develop to the heights of one's potential.

@TotalCrackpot, I completely agree. Thank you.

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