I was actually pretty surprised after running a search that this topic hasn't really been discussed in detail.
So let's go over the different methods that many of us use. Please explain the method you use to deploy your latest code releases. Do you use continuous deployment, or do you run out weekly/major cycles only.
It would be useful to provide the following...
[] Your deployment cycles. (ie Continuous or only major releases)
[] Means that you deploy your code
[] Approximate number of servers you deploy to
[] Version control used (if at all applicable to how you deploy)
[] Web technologies used (if applicable to how you manage your deploy)
Check out http://www.zeroflux.org/projects/knock - it is very simple to configure.
I find this method to be very secure because if a hacker somehow figures out that a) you're using port knocking and b) the exact ports that you are using, in the right order, then the worst they can do is trigger a code deployment.