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> They would have had to work with the non-militant parts of Hamas leadership and the PLO of the West Bank and with neighboring Arab countries to bring these murderers to justice

I don't really see how this could work? As far as I know, all Hamas leadership supports the Oct 7 attack. The PLO and neighboring Arab countries don't really have power in Gaza.

Is that surprising, considering how Israel had treated Palestinians before that date?

If mere support is a hangup, then supporters of Israel's genocidal retaliation must similarly be excluded from talks.

I speak sardonically, of course: preconditions to negotiation are rarely helpful to achieving a negotiated outcome.

Here's one example: if Israel starts by treating Palestinians as human beings equal to Israeli people, without preconditions, it would remove a lot of Hamas leverage, plus it's the right thing to do.

Then, a bilateral peace committee seeking to punish genocide perpetrators on either side, perhaps as judged by the ICJ, can be established.

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