This is not only Google. Most of the big and medium tech companies CEOs have been about as gullible and delusional as the crypto-bros of 2k18.
And now, as all the FOMO-driven AI integrations are starting to bear fruits, it seems that we're going to enter a chapter of unprecedented bullshit and disappointment in the history of personal computers.
You're reminding me of the takes in the original dot-com bubble — which was indeed a bubble, don't get me wrong — all the nay-sayers 24 years ago asking why anyone would want to shop or bank online, missing that it was easy, fast, cheap, convenient, and sufficiently good.
Of course, just a lot of companies went under when that bubble collapsed, and there's no guarantee that any of the current AI players will make the right move this time either.
Even a ton of non-tech companies are rushing to retool their data systems and pipelines so they can ask AI trivial questions about their business. It’s crazy, but CEOs love the demos. The number of graphs and dashboards they could have had manually-created for the same money… good thing they’re all super-good at business and don’t just chase whatever fad comes along.
Will there, though? Or will it just to be those big companies with important, entrenched products making them worse and worse and due to some combination of network effects, entrenchedness in industry, and financial/technical lock-in people will be unable to choose a competitor?
And now, as all the FOMO-driven AI integrations are starting to bear fruits, it seems that we're going to enter a chapter of unprecedented bullshit and disappointment in the history of personal computers.