What is the angle here? They tell people that it's Scarlett Johansson responding to them instead of a computer? To what end? I just don't get it. And I think anyone who confuses a computer program for a real person has bigger problems than being potentially defrauded by OpenAI.
And people have been making computers sound like humans without anyone suggesting that it's some attempt at fraud for very long.
> What is the angle here? They tell people that it's Scarlett Johansson responding to them instead of a computer? To what end? I just don't get it.
Then don't worry about it. It doesn't matter anyway. Ponder the questions in the comment you replied to in stead; the ones you evaded by asking these irrelevant ones.
The angle is that most people understand the value of celebrity endorsement? And that OpenAI is seeking the endorsement that would come along with association with Scarlett Johansson and the movie Her?
What you can't do is USE that voice in a way that seeks to mislead (by however much) people into believing it is someone else.
I'm really not sure why people can't understand that it is intent that matters.