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Do you think using capitals at the beginning of a sentence aids comprehension?

I view punctuation and spelling rules as a way to maximize comprehension (akin to having a linting standard). In non formal writing, I don't see any harm in avoiding capitalization (at least it doesn't seem to me to help understanding / reading speed, etc at all).

It's like people typing "K" instead of "OK". It's disrespectful to the reader, suggesting that the reader is not important enough to warrant typing an extra letter.

One would expect Altman to know how to use the SHIFT key when running a massive business, but, hey - once you achieve escape velocity from society, you don't have to live by its norms or grammar rules.

I can assure you that it would cost most people people here a promotion or a raise if they did this at work.

By the way, I went through his Twitter - Altman was writing normally in 2022: https://x.com/sama/status/1505264452857331714

Then, I guess, he decided, he was too important to follow grammar rules.

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