I tried God Mode and Evil several times, but it never ended well. Mostly because of the muscle memory I accumulated over a decade.
Evil is fantastic, but it doesn’t play well with all the packages in the ecosystem. There are adapters for Magit, Compile, etc., but most packages define key bindings that require Ctrl-Meta cords, which causes cognitive dissonance.
God mode is a neat idea, but I never committed to it, and I found it confusing at times.
Overall, I decided to accept Emacs as it is, with all its quirks, and embrace its way of doing things. I’m not married to it, so I can occasionally cheat by switching to Vim or VS Code without feeling guilty.
I never was able to use evil per se but it works really well in doom emacs (and before that in spacemacs). Oh and use Caps Lock as Ctrl to minify pinky usage!
Evil is fantastic, but it doesn’t play well with all the packages in the ecosystem. There are adapters for Magit, Compile, etc., but most packages define key bindings that require Ctrl-Meta cords, which causes cognitive dissonance.
God mode is a neat idea, but I never committed to it, and I found it confusing at times.
Overall, I decided to accept Emacs as it is, with all its quirks, and embrace its way of doing things. I’m not married to it, so I can occasionally cheat by switching to Vim or VS Code without feeling guilty.