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BIMI and DMARC Can't Save You: The Overlooked DKIM Exploit (zone.eu)
123 points by obscurette 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 47 comments

Aw geez, that's a really nasty bug.

So with DKIM you're signing some headers and the body. DKIM has a "body length" tag, "l=". Contrary to its name it doesn't say anything about the body length, but it specifies the length of the content being signed - so an attacker can add random crap to the end of the message without invalidating the signature.

This combines with multi-part email to essentially let an attacker completely overwrite the message body.

To make it even worse, the spec is written quite vague and heavily suggests that inserting "l=" is mandatory, despite also mentioning cases where it isn't present. That's pretty much asking for trouble.

And of course all that is made a Serious Problem because DMARC is fundamentally broken and considers a message valid when either SPF or DKIM passes - so it'll happily accept a message with a valid DKIM signature coming from a host who fails SPF.

> spec is written quite vague and heavily suggests that inserting "l=" is mandatory

RFC [1] suggest the opposite: "To avoid this attack, Signers should be extremely wary of using this tag"

> message valid when either SPF or DKIM passes

DMARC is already fragile with many legit messages failing DMARC after a forwarding (redirecting) by a mail servers (which change headers and/or body to varying degree with MS mail products being among the worst). If you would require both SPF and DKIM pass even more legit messages will fail DMARC check so more servers will have to ignore it results.

[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6376#section-8.2

> because DMARC is fundamentally broken and considers a message valid when either SPF or DKIM passes

You can specify if you both to pass and in fact it will enforce strict alignment which is more than SPF or DKIM will do on their own. I think SPF/DKIM is probably broken without strict alignment as it's trivially easy to change your mail from header which is transparent to end users and pass SPF on its own.

Shameless plug: My DMARC Checker at https://dmarcchecker.app/ displays a warning message if it encounters a DKIM signature header with an 'l=' tag:

"The 'l=' tag limits how many bytes of the email body are included in the body hash. This may allow an attacker to alter/expand the message in a way that it still passes DKIM validation."

Additionally, the tool alerts you to the use of weak RSA keys or SHA1.

By the way, less than 0.4% of all emails checked make use of the 'l=' tag.

Dmarcchecker is one of those great things on the internet that you never knew you needed it until you really needed it. Thank you so much for your work on this note project, it's really helpful to us in monitoring our mail security.

Cool, this is helpful. Thank you!

BIMI is useless.

SPF and DKIM are flawed.

DMARC is a patch on top of SPF and DKIM.

If you want to be able to trust email, you need a trustworthy PKI. If you want to communicate with people who don't or can't participate in the PKI, you need a mail client that rigorously and clearly distinguishes the anonymous from the verifiable.

Given the existence of two parallel email systems, some people will run gateways that create artificial verification of non-verifiable messages. Now you need to figure out reputations for all the gateways.

In the end, you always end up with spam and forgeries.


BIMI is the carrot for the marketing department to get on board with the DMARC project while giving the same people who sold you EV-SSL something else to sell you.

But this is a solid explanation of a DKIM issue that should be simple enough to avoid. Good write up.

BIMI gives you ONLY logo spreading of your choice.

BIMI, marketers' dream.

BIMI, yours for only $999.99 per year.

Just for $999.99, you too could enjoy stuffing Ensure's pocket too!

I was thinking this was the next step for me and mail server.


I think BIMI works well as a motivator and spotlight to bring attention to these issues. I also think your average user won't mind it. Implementing it as a receiver is full of pitfalls, as we can see.

This is an excellent writeup, and great example of responsible disclosure done right.

However, I can't get over the clickbait title. This seems like a real cheap shot at BIMI, and DMARC for that matter.

BIMI never pretended to be a 'security' protocol of any kind. It's a branding opportunity to incentivize DMARC adoption. That's what is literally explained on the front page of the BIMI workgroup website [0]. I won't go into the discussion whether the price of a VMC is justifiable or not, but saying 'BIMI can't safe you' as if BIMI ever promised it would is just ridiculous in my opinion.

DMARC on the other hand is more of a policy protocol than an additional layer of security. Yes, it does strengthen the underlying protocols (SPF & DKIM) a little bit by adding the alignment requirement, which more-or-less patches the worst flaws of both protocols, but it doesn't magically make email secure. Saying 'DMARC won't safe you', as if DMARC was somehow ever capable of fixing 0-days in the underlying protocols is, again in my opinion, ridiculous.

I get that the company is proud of the discovery of this security flaw, and that such a publication is a great opportunity them to get your name out. But I just can't shake off the thought of the engineers having to witness some guy from PR slapping a cringy clickbait title on their otherwise excellent work.

[0] https://bimigroup.org/

While I agree with you, I think that the problem with titles is the battle lost long time ago. In the age of online and social media titles are seen as a way to get an attention. I write regularly columns for a local media and while I'm free to write in any way I want, coming up with titles is the job for an editor, there are sometimes A/B tests done with these etc. Titles for my texts are often too clickbaity for my taste and I hate it, but that's how it's handled today.

I'm impressed that email with POP, SMTP and slightly later, IMAP has served up so well for 30+ years, but by golly, it's an uphill battle running any sort of mail service yourself these days. I starting to understand the businesses that (claim to) run without email to and from customers.

Can someone explain to me why this was only disclosed to Microsoft, Google and Apple? Is this considered responsible in this case?

Given that they are the biggest email service providers, yes

The article mentions that this was also disclosed to the local CERT. In Europe, it is usually their task to disseminate such information more widely.

The over signing part of DKIM is really confusing. It's easy to overlook and can blow the whole thing wide open. And yet it's not the default, presumably for some reason, so it's unclear what happens if you just go ahead and over sign every header. Is it surprising people get this wrong?

What is the intended use case for the l= parameter? Why not sign the entire email all the time? Why would anyone want to use l=1 ?!!1

Because email has been used in a wide range of ways in the past, including some where genuine email passes through relays which add random crap to the end of them. The same applies with email headers: you can't sign all of them, because random headers will be added in-flight. The parameter is a hack to prevent such relays from completely breaking it.

But I agree, it should've never been used in the first place because it completely undermines the whole concept of signing email. There should be a very clear separation between signed and unsigned.

> genuine email passes through relays which add random crap to the end of them

Including your receiving SMTP server

Because every server an email passes through will at least add its own Received header, and every antispam, DLP and antivirus crap appliance in the chain adds another one or more.

Usually, you have 1-3 Received header from the sending email organization (record I've seen is five - three ordinary mailservers and two for AV and DLP crap), then you got Proofpoint adding 2-3 layers, and then MS Exchange or whatever adding 4-6...

That's why the sender only signs those headers he himself is aware of and sent out.

Oh, and then you got the even worse cases, email servers actually modifying the body to add "Inspected by <Bullshit Snakeoil>" footers.

The length header in DKIM only pertains to the body of the message. Received headers should never be signed by DKIM, and those are added to give you a way to trace how a message was handled.

Presumably because RFC822 is a legacy format and there are weird implementations out there that do things (e.g. something as simple as adding a header or signature!) that would mutate data used in a signature. This allows you to carve out a spot for the insecure stuff you can't otherwise get rid of.

Obviously it also carves out a spot for an attacker to put their own stuff in, and thus relies on downstream parsing to not get fooled[1]. Which is terrible security design in a from-scratch system. But with legacy stuff... there often isn't a choice. Security is just hard.

[1] The article isn't clear, but the closest to a root cause bug in this particular instance is actually that the mail client is validating the signature, but failing to recognize that there is unsigned data being presented to the user as part of the message. That's a tall order for client code, but that's where this particular design put the responsibility.

Interesting, does anyone have a list of known providers vulnerability to this in the past? I'm thinking big providers like G-Suite, Office 365, Zoho, Fastmail, etc.

This is all ridiculous.

Maybe I’m not that bright, but it seems like you don’t need that much.

1. A TXT record containing a public key and a unique identifier

2. Message Body and Headers hashed with SHA512, and then the hash is encrypted with the private key to the TXT record. This hash, and the address for the public key, is then added to the headers as the only permitted “untrusted” headers

3. Email receiver, if present, ignores all headers if the two are present. Looks up DNS public key, decrypts hash, removes the two headers, checks hash matches. If so, contents trusted if:

4. The domain the email was sent from, and claims to be sent from, is the same domain hosting the TXT record.

What did I miss?

You don't need all that much to ensure integrity in a brand-new system without decades of legacy. I mean, still non-trivial, getting that "not much" right is a professional cryptographer's job, but you don't need all that much.

Getting it right in a system the size of the world with decades of legacy in an environment where right up until DKIM came out pretty much every player in the system expected and used the ability to make arbitrary modifications to emails passing through it is really hard. It makes even the simplest thing takes decades.

Unfortunately, there isn't going to be a replacement to email either, because at this point anyone with the resources to pull it off will also insist on making it a closed box that you have to pay way, way too much to use.

I’m a bit nuts, so bear with me: Maybe we should seriously have discussions about, let’s just call it, Email2.

We have a new DNS record type, MX2, with a proper signing algorithm that’s mandatory.

Meanwhile, we put it in spec that every MX2 mailbox, must be a valid MX mailbox, if the receiver chooses to accept MX.

This might sound insane - except, I argue, with proper planning, it would be like the HTTPS transition.

If you could even just get Gmail, Outlook, Zoho, and Yahoo on board - every piece of software would be forced to start supporting Email2. Especially, especially, if they announced that come 2030, all non-Email2 letters always go to Junk. They’ll still arrive - possibly forever - but the incentive to fix it will be there.

The benefit of email is its ubiquity and existing deployment. Throwing it away for a new protocol loses all existing value.

The same could be said of HTTP, but we threw it away in favor of HTTPS. Thank goodness we did - and I don’t think anyone wants to go back to the time we tried securing HTTP without HTTPS.

Again, my proposal is not that we completely kill classic email - but rather, we make a new standard, the big players get on board, and there’s a clear deadline that says “your emails will always be junk past this date if they don’t comply.” They’ll still arrive though. Nobody wants their emails to go to Junk automatically - that’s incentive enough.

This is like what we did with HTTP. There came a day where HTTP login screens now have warnings in many browsers. But they still work.

But we didn't. There are still plenty of HTTP-only devices out there, and there isn't a single browser out there which refuses to work with HTTP servers. Heck, you don't even get a warning if you're just reading the website - you only get that when you try to log in!

If we can't do the equivalent of "your emails will always be junk past this date if they don’t comply" with HTTP, what makes you think we can do it with email?

I answer that, email is a very different beast than HTTP.

1. If we were to transition to my hypothetical Email2, that doesn't mean it's all or nothing. The transition to HTTPS, does not mean that HTTP no longer is readable. Similarly, the transition would not mean classic emails are automatically unreadable either - but there's a strong incentive for corporations relying on it to fix it.

Hypothetically, there would be an MX2, and an MX record. MX would be the fallback for if MX2 sending is not available. So if an out-of-date client from 10 years ago sends an email, it finds the MX record and sends it, no problem. However, the receiver expecting MX2, automatically classifies the email as Insecure and Junk. Meanwhile, an MX2-enabled sender could identify the MX record for a website that does not support MX2 yet, and still deliver the message.

2. Email is not the same as a device. Most emails are sent from an email server with hundreds of inboxes. Take Google and Microsoft - they are 40% of global email traffic. Add Yahoo, GoDaddy, and the other big names, and you're well on the way. Unlike HTTP, the transition may actually be much quicker, because self-hosting email is not very popular (and those that do, are using commercial or open-source packages which could easily add support).

I use firefox and always get a warning when accessing an http only site.

I just tried http://example.org in firefox and chrome, neither gave me a warning. I do get a redirect or warning for http sites in firefox focus, but that's separate from normal firefox.

If we were going to do this, can we come up with a well defined subset/derived specification of HTML5 for email, along with a conformity test ala Acid2/Acid3?

Outlook for Windows still uses the venerable Microsoft Word HTML rendering engine.

Sure. My primary request is that it not be allowed to show links as anything other than full URLs.

My secondary priority is in not loading anything from an external site.

It'd be impossible to prevent non-full URLs without also imposing extremely heavy restrictions on images, styling, and html. There are way too many ways to hide, spoof, or obfuscate an url. And even then, you'd need to somehow render the link in a way where the average user can understand it (which part of the URL is the domain and what implications it has).

Unfortunately, we know that most people who aren't in tech, are terrible at reading and understanding URLs to begin with, so I'm not sure that there's any point to be gained here.

"If you could even just get Gmail, Outlook, Zoho, and Yahoo"

Well, that's where you hit the blocker I'm talking about. They're only on board if there's some sort of benefit they can get from closing the standard.

I didn't think of this when I wrote my post first, but we've basically been down this road in something close enough to be relevent: Instant messaging. Such interop as was supported has been the result of the open source community laboriously fighting against the commercial interests... and, ultimately, losing comprehensively. Nobody is interested in a standardized instant messaging system.

You've more-or-less described DKIM. You can see some issues with it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DomainKeys_Identified_Mail#Wea...

You missed basically all of the practical details of sending and receiving mail. The people who wrote these RFCs and mail systems have been doing this for decades and have the experience to avoid the "why don't we simply [[wave arms]]" traps.

The reason that DKIM signs only enumerated headers is because mailers add more headers as the message is in transit, and there is no way to sign those.

Well, the expanded payload could be signed again, just not with the same key.

You missed that servers processing email routinely add or adjust headers. And some servers add trailing content.

DKIM was designed to work with email as it exists, so the signer can pick which headers to include in the signature. And l= was included to allow for mailing list servers and other things to add trailers without breaking signatures or needing to sign again.

But does the recipient need to trust those headers?

Couldn't it just remove those non-signed headers before decoding.

If not, what does it really buy you? Slight fuzzy feeling?

In the article they describe an attacker changing Content-Type as it's typically not signed. That seems like exactly the kind of header you'd want to ignore if not signed.

> In the article they describe an attacker changing Content-Type as it's typically not signed. That seems like exactly the kind of header you'd want to ignore if not signed.

That would result in a lot of unreadable emails unfortunately. It would also take over-signing the Content-Type to mitigate this issue, having everything signed that way would certainly break even more.

How often should the key be rotated? How is the rotation done? How are body and headers normalized? Which header determines who sent the email? How do you know the email was sent to you? Where do you store the on-path routing information?

Step 2 is wrong, you want a signature, not encryption. For RSA that's more like a decryption with the private key, though still different because the padding isn't the same.

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