They rely on the grid. Just like the rest of the connected countries. Just like nuclear country France does.
What kind of energy is cheap at the moment there is irrelevant. If nuclear energy would be turned off on the grid, like it happens all the time when the French fleet needs repairs again for example, no lights go out in Austria. Just like no lights go out in France.
What you do is the same thing as making fun of humans because they rely on supermarkets and don't go out on the streets and shoot some animals.
Following your metaphor, those humans eat meat while voting to outlaw the killing of animals. But only after spending a billion dollars on hunting equipment.
Not really. They've spent that money on hunting equipment only to realize that it would have been more clever to ask the people whose money they spend, if they should do it.
They rely on the grid. Just like the rest of the connected countries. Just like nuclear country France does.
What kind of energy is cheap at the moment there is irrelevant. If nuclear energy would be turned off on the grid, like it happens all the time when the French fleet needs repairs again for example, no lights go out in Austria. Just like no lights go out in France.
What you do is the same thing as making fun of humans because they rely on supermarkets and don't go out on the streets and shoot some animals.
Times change.