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Updating an app doesn't fix an issue that requires a security update, or a replacement driver.

> Virtually any Android, Linux, or Windows device that hasn't been recently patched and has Bluetooth turned on can be compromised by an attacking device within 32 feet. It doesn't require device users to click on any links, connect to a rogue Bluetooth device, or take any other action, short of leaving Bluetooth on. The exploit process is generally very fast, requiring no more than 10 seconds to complete


A browser update doesn't fix that and that and Blueborne was disclosed during the era when an Android device only had a support window of two of three years.

iPhones from over a decade ago were getting security updates, including for the browser, for seven or eight years.

This was from 2017, and nothing came out of it.

Every month or so someone (usually a security company that wants to sell something) find a domesday exploit for android that is unpatchable, and then it gets patched or turns out to be a non issue.

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