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Bumble billboard "vow of celibacy" campaign (news.com.au)
2 points by mikeuxinnuendo 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Are these marketing people getting so desperate that they feel they need to push the boundaries of what is socially acceptable, just to cause a stir and make those billboards go the extra mile with some controversial negative press?

Match is a company that doesn't seem to place user interests, or moral obligations, before profit margins, so personally I hope this backfires fantastically.

Perhaps it simply never occurred to them that anyone would react this way! Clearly there exists some cultural context within which this ad comes off as offensive, but it is so far removed from the culture I live in that I find myself unable to empathize with the people who are upset.

Bumble is not owned by Match.

Ah, appears google quick results got it wrong.

Only a matter of time.

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