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Maybe just give some interactive demos to the kids showing the power of modern tech?

Animate drawings: https://sketch.metademolab.com/

Generate music, based on ideas from the kids using Suno or Udio.

Generate a story with GPT/Claude where kids in the classroom are the characters. Create images using Dall-e 3 and print copies so the kids can take it home.

This would probably be of interest to many parents and teachers too.

Can confirm the animated drawings. I built a company (dibulo.com) which does that (Age 3-8 mostly, but also adults and seniors seem to like it). We love that kids spend more time coloring than looking at the screen (although it is always a magic moment). We also do not have a lot of interaction with the screen itself and soon gonna add more and more educational elements to it.

That’s really cool.

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