They had some funny ad using scenes from the Terminator for the class but I can't find it on YouTube anymore. I took both CS224N and CS388 for credit; CS388 is more like CS224N and CS224U packed together, CS224N goes slightly deeper on the most recent topics. Greg is a cool teacher and his lectures are pretty good!
CS 124: From Languages to Information
CS224n: NLP with DL from Stanford
CS224U: Natural Language Understanding (Lecture Videos)
CS224S: Spoken Language Processing
CS276 : Information Retrieval and Web Search
CS324 - Large Language Models
LING 289: History of Computational Linguistics
Some others are below (has a list of other NLP courses at the bottom) (has a list of other NLP courses at the bottom)
I found it useful to compare various school's NLP courses when doing my own learning for different view points.