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Economist Magazine's Take on India's Entrepreneurship Scene (economist.com)
16 points by paraschopra on Dec 19, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Sounds like there's a pretty big opportunity for early stage seed funding in India, like, umm, you know, YC? :)

Anyway, there's still a lot of resistance to business and red-tape in India, I think. Couple that with the lack of a professional environment in a LOT of technology companies (the so-called sweatshops) and you have the classic slow bureaucratic anti-thesis of small lean startups. Not sure how and if this will ever change (or if it is already...)

There is one called Morpheus Ventures, which looks like A YC clone to me

I'm no expert in hindi but doesn't Sammaan mean stuff/belongings not dignity ?

saamaan is stuff

sammaan is dignity.

Note the lengthy `a` in the first syllable and light `m` in the second syllable of the first word

and the short `a` and stressed `m` in the second.

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