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Most of the govt sites of india are in similar state. They are hardly ever updated. The main reason for this is the paperwork/legalese needed before a site can be revamped. Permissions have to be taken from various post holders. I have an email account that is given by govt college and the allotted space is 5Mb.

In that case, the Indian Government needs wholesale reform. And soon. If India wants to be a forerunner in the world of IT (which it's rapidly becoming) this is only going to cause massive problems.

The govt. was not responsible for the IT revolution, it was mostly just entrepreneurs taking advantage of the opportunity. Don't expect much help/facilitation from them. However, once it was clear that IT was a job creator, many state govt. did start promoting it; but the extent is still unclear to me.

I think you are misunderstanding where I'm coming from. While the government isn't driving IT growth in India, it is still able to hinder it fairly effectively. After all, it is the government that must legislate the IT industry and the bureaucracy that must administer these laws.

If this is the parlous state of both the government and the bureaucracy, then I suspect that growth will be hampered.

One of the reasons that IT took off in India was because it was not a sector recognized by the Indian govt. to be of any importance and was thus free from ridiculous laws that exist in other areas. Now that has changed, expect more boneheaded interference from them.

Came to say this.

The govts only contribution to IT was nothing. It's the best they could ever do. When it first started, back with modems which went to 14.4k, the fact that no one understood it or it's implications was the only reason it succeeded.

Otherwise the rent seekers or the security focused would have probably killed it at inception.

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