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I'm not that surprised by this. More developed countries use their scientific prowess to build massive organisations like the NSA to decrypt and monitor communications in the name of national security, the Indian government tries to legislate it instead. This is what they insisted on doing with RIM's encrypted Blackberry services as well. Technology's progressing too fast for the government research agencies to keep up with and eavesdrop on.

(ref: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4018084)

I'm not too concerned because of the standard 'I've got nothing to hide' line, but there's always the chance of corrupt officials and poor data security in their wiretapping centers. Anyways, it doesn't seem like this rule is enforced since the document has been there for a while and SSH traffic works just fine.

>I've got nothing to hide

In that case, they've got no reason to look.

But I think like quite a few other comments say, it's old document.

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