I met Theo once. I didn't know who he was, but he made sure to tell me within the first few sentences that he was a very popular streamer/youtuber. I then watched him get recognized by someone else and they had a sort of friendly shouting match about something Theo has recently talked about in an opinionated way on his channel. His personality seemed perfectly suited for maximal media engagement through needless complexity. The more complicated things are the more arguments you can have and the smarter you can sound to those less familiar with all your esoteric choices.
I know Theo. He’s a good person who wants to educate folks, and make things simpler.
There are problems with education: you often have to make things contrived to show problems as fast as possible, and it’s hard to convey all of the nuance. Theo, and others, definitely try to strike that balance and I think it’s fair to say that this is because of how the front end world works rather than because of personalities.